"The sea giveth and the sea taketh away" is a saying that is often used but rarely contemplated. Living in an age of environmental transition, it is important to consider the impact we, as humans, have on the environment. That is why Entourage's Adrian Grenier is working to inspire people to go green. He is lending his support to Oceana, a non-profit organization focused on the conservation of ocean and beaches, fisheries, and marine sanctuaries. Grenier is an actor who believes his "responsibility on a human level [is] to give and contribute" and has teamed up with Nautica and Ocean to see first-hand how human consumption is affecting the ocean.
Watch a short movie about his journey observing and swimming with bluefin tuna:
Inspired by the cause and eager to make a difference, Grenier created a limited edition t-shirt that will benefit Oceana. The tee, made of organic cotton, depicts a school of fish that make up the image of an anchor.

Qi supports Grenier's dedication to raising awareness about this important issue. Adrian was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to swim with bluefin tuna, a species threatened by extinction due to overfishing. Our consumption, paired with the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, has left the bluefin tuna species in grave danger.
Do you part to aid in the clean up of the Gulf by purchasing any of our feather styles from the Holiday 2010 collection or the Ascension Bird shirt. We will donate proceeds from these items to the National Wildlife Federation's on-the-ground efforts to restore the fragile ecosystem.

Visit QiCashmereshop and help support a great cause.
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