The wildlife that inhabits the Gulf of Mexico is suffering due to the BP oil spill. Nine weeks have passed since the oil rig exploded and the Deepwater Horizon spill has yet to be contained.
Said to be the worst oil spill in U.S. history, nearly 800 animals have been found dead in the Gulf or washed up on its shores. Included in this number are birds, sea turtles, dolphins and many other animals.
The oil spill, now on its 64th day, has polluted the coastlines of four U.S. states, threatened the livelihood of the fishing and tourism industries, disturbed the sensitive ecological wetlands, and challenged President Obama, who has been scrutinized for the way he has handled the crisis.
Thus far, BP has spent $2 billion on clean up, not including the $105 million owed in damage settlements. However, BP faces more accountability, for if the spill is not soon contained, and the damage moves to the eastern coastlines, Attorneys general from 11 states on the East Coast threaten to hold BP responsible for the injury to the wildlife.
This catastrophe has not only cost hundreds of bird their lives, it may cause ecosystems to collapse, causing millions of birds to lose their homes and food sources.

Qi New York’s Holiday 2010 collection features modern garments, adorned in iridescent feathers—a detail inspired by the urge to escape the brutal winter months. Now more than ever is the time to be thankful for life’s good fortunes and work through any hardships. As always, Qi recognizes the importance of giving back and retaining hope this season; Qi New York is committed to donating $1.00 from each purchase of a feathered garment to a charity assisting in the oil spill clean up.

Photo Source: Getty Images
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